This last weekend Heather came home for my uncle's wedding. I always love it when she comes up, and it always seems to go way too fast. Walter also loves it when she comes. He really likes to cuddle with her and will just sit with her for the longest time.
While she was here this last time, she surprised me with an early Christmas present... she bought us Justin Bieber tickets for January 5th in Salt Lake!!! I was so so so excited!! She had gotten a ticket for her a while back, but there wasn't another one for me to go too, so I was pretty bummed, but somehow she was able to find a couple tickets someone was selling and she was able to sell her single ticket. Woohoo!!!!!
And speaking of sisters coming to visit, Emily and her family were in St George over the weekend, and Heather and my parents were able to go see them. The rest of us had to stay here, and I was pretty sad that I wasn't able to see them... I miss them a bunch! They'll be moving back to St George this winter so that'll be fun :)
I like it when Heather comes home too. I could cuddle all day with Walter if he'd let me