Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hospital Stay and Coming Home

My stay at the hospital this time around was actually quite nice. When Walter was born, I wasn't particularly impressed with any of the nurses that I had, and I was more than ready to go home after being there 2 nights.  This time around I was pretty torn about when I would go home.  Most people who have a c-section end up staying 3 nights at the hospital, so I was told that I would be spending 3 nights as well.  I was extremely impressed with all of my and Oliver's nurses this time around.  They were all so sweet and took such good care of us and made sure that they were there to answer any questions and help with whatever it was I may have needed help with.  They were seriously awesome.  We had a few visitors come, including my parents, Jesse's mom and sister and nephew, Heather, my visiting teacher, and, of course, Walter :)  Walter didn't seem to care about Oliver in the hospital, he just loved pushing the little cart with his bassinet in it around.  It wasn't until we brought Oliver home that Walter became fascinated with him.  So apart from the terribly uncomfortable hospital bed, my stay was quite nice and I was seriously contemplating just staying the 3 nights like I was told I would be doing.  But there was a huge part of me that needed to be at home with Walter.  Walter did such a good job for being away from his mom for so long, but I could tell that it was hard on him.  I felt like me being home with him was much more important that me taking it easy for another night, so I made sure that my doctor knew I wanted to go home a day early.  He was more than happy to let me do that, even though that meant he would have to take my staples out a day early.  That's what I love about my doctor, he is always willing to do whatever makes me happy and most comfortable, even if it's against the norm.  So we were discharged from the hospital on Thursday morning, and it was the greatest feeling ever to be able to walk into our apartment with little Oliver and see Walter!  My mom and Heather were here with him waiting for us.  Jesse got me some very pretty yellow and orange roses that were on the table when we came in as well.
I was super nervous to be home, especially come night time, since I would be without the help of the nurses.  The first few nights are definitely the hardest! I had several breakdowns and times when I thought that there was no way I'd be able to do this.  Luckily, those feelings only lasted a couple of nights, although, I'm sure they'll come back later :) My mom and Heather and Jesse were all amazing at helping me out! And my mom still is! She still comes over every morning and watches Walter and Oliver while I shower, and she does my dishes :) Jesse had to go back to work the Monday after, and that's when Heather left too.  It was a terrible day, to say the least.  Walter absolutely loves Heather, and she was such a life saver with him during that first week! She definitely needs to move back up here and be his permanent buddy :)
Walter has been completely fascinated with Oliver since we came home.  He is such a cute little helper.  Anytime Oliver makes a noise or starts to cry, Walter is right there to check on him and make sure he's okay.  Whenever I change or feed Oliver, Walter is right there supervising and making sure it's done right :) I was really worried that Walter wouldn't adjust very well to the change in attention given to him, but he has done so good! He has his moments where he gets upset if I can't help him do something because I am busy with Oliver, but for the most part he is awesome!

Going home from the hospital

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Walter in his diaper posing on the couch. It makes me laugh every time I see it. I miss those boys!
