Saturday, November 30, 2013

1 Month Old

This is now more than 2 weeks over due, but Oliver is now a month old! Holy cow, I survived an entire month with 2 kids! I didn't think I could do it, and most days I still don't think I can make it another day, but here I am, 6 weeks in and I'm still going.. just barely :)
Oliver has proven to be kind of a hard baby. He is a very high stress little guy, always whining and never sleeping.  But even with how sleep deprived I am with him, I still love him to pieces.
So at 1 month old, Oliver is:

  • Wearing size 3 month clothes, size 2 diapers
  • Eating every 2 hours or so
  • Waking up about 3 times a night, some nights are better, some are worse
  • He really doesn't have a schedule during the day, his naps are all over the place and they're never really consistent 
  • He loves to sleep in his swing and falls asleep in the car pretty well too
  • He has very strong legs and neck
  • He loves watching Walter, and Walter loves watching him and giving him kisses :)
  • He hasn't really smiled yet, I did get one smile out of him on Thanksgiving Day, but other than that- nothing
  • His little birthmark on his forehead is getting bigger and darker all the time- I love it, but it will probably have to be removed eventually..
Like I said, he is a hard baby and drains me of my energy very quickly, but I love having him around, and I love watching his and Walter's relationship slowly develop :) He's a good addition to our family

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