Monday, April 11, 2011

An Attempt to be Healthy

Jesse and I are attempting to be a little healthier. Since we are both so addicted to soda and sweet stuff, like cookies and cupcakes, we have decided to completely stop eating those types of sugar and completely stop drinking soda. So I went to the store and got a few things to eat, like carrots and celery, salad and apples, bananas, strawberries and yogurt and some juice. So now when we want something sweet, we will be forced to eat a strawberry instead of a cookie. We have this awesome smoothie maker we got for our wedding that we've never used, so we're going to try that out a lot too. We decided to only do it for a week and then see if we're up for more. I've read that if you stop eating stuff like that for even just a week, you end up not wanting to go back to eating it, so hopefully that's what we can do...

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