Monday, October 24, 2011


That's right, Jesse and I are gonna have us a baby!! I'm due around the 29th of May, so I'm about 9 weeks today.
We are very very excited to have a little baby join our family, and it still feels completely unreal. I'm going on 4 weeks of feeling super super sick pretty much all day everyday, and the last couple of weeks all I have wanted to do is sleep; my new bedtime is exactly 9 o'clock every night, and I sleep for a solid 10-11 hours (which still doesn't feel like long enough). And even though I may not like feeling like this, I am so happy and grateful for the chance I have to be a mom, and Jesse is pretty excited to be a dad. He has the best caring, loving and patient personality to be an amazing dad!


  1. Hooray for the cute little parasite!!!

  2. Yay!! Congratulations! I totally know how it is to be SO sick all the time!! Don't worry it will pass! :)

  3. YIPEE!!!! just sleep as much as you want. and erin's right - you WILL feel better eventually
