Monday, February 11, 2013

Sick Sick Sick

I took Walter to the doctors today.  He is sick with a whole host of good things (not.)  He is starting to get his top teeth, so that's hurting him, he had a fever of 101 degrees, he has an ear infection in both ears, and to top it all off, he has RSV.  I can't even imagine how awful he must feel, but he is seriously still so happy.  I cannot believe what an angel I have.  I would have never guessed that all of that was going on in his little body.  I am so glad that I took him in today and got him started on some medication.  There really is nothing we can do for the RSV at this point, just hope that it doesn't get worse.  I am praying like crazy that he starts feeling better so very very soon! It's just not fair for him to have to deal with all of this at once, and I hate that I can do nothing about it! I just breaks my heart to see him so miserable..

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