Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Tale of Walter's Sleep Woes

Walter's sleeping has been anything but consistent.  I thought that we were getting on some kind of a night time schedule- he was only waking up twice, going for two four hour blocks of sleep.  But for the last week or so he has decided that that doesn't work for him anymore and he now will go to bed anytime between 8:30 and 10, then wake up at 1, 3, and 5, then stay asleep til 8 or 9.  I've been doing my best not to feed him every time he wakes up but sometimes that the only way he will go back to sleep.  As if that isn't frustrating enough, he will only nap for 1/2 an hour at a time, and when he takes naps is completely random.  So he ends up taking about 5 or 6 naps a day and is usually pretty onrey in between naps because he's still tired... silly boy.  It's a good thing he is so cute :) see for yourself...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry, Melissa! I know how difficult that is. We had the exact same thing happen this last week. Lily was sleeping for two 4-hour blocks every night, then BOOM, that went out the window. It takes us 2-3 hours to get her to sleep each night, then she wakes up every hour or two during the night. The only thing we've found that helps her is to let her cry for a minute or two, then console her, and repeat that until she falls asleep.

    It's possible that Walter is just in a growth spurt right now, and may be needing to eat more, or more frequently? These babies are so complicated sometimes! I hope you guys can get some higher-quality sleep soon. Good luck!
