At 9 months old, Oliver is:
- 26 lbs (97th %) , and I don't remember his height but it's in the 93rd %
- He is wearing size 5, sometimes 6 diapers and in 18 to 24 month clothes
- He isn't the greatest sleeper, but for the most part he is up once a night and is taking 2 naps
- He crawls everywhere and pulls up to everything, he has just learned how to stand on his own too!
- When he gets angry, he buries his head into the carpet and yells, it's pretty funny
- He loves bath time!!
- He has 4 teeth, just barely cut his top 2
- He still doesn't eat much baby food, but he loves everything we eat- pizza, noodles, bread, crackers, chips, cookies, cereal, pretty much anything we will give him
- He absolutely loves Walter and wants to do whatever Walter is doing. Makes Walter really mad, but it's super cute
- He can wave hello and bye bye
- He hates water, except during a bath. Hate sprinklers, rain and the splashpad
- He is a master at yelling! my goodness, this kid is LOUD